EF20 - v1.1

Eurofurence 20
Crime Scene Berlin

Day Fri - Con Day 3 - 2014-08-22
Room Panel Room 2 — Lyon
Start time 20:00
Duration 04:00
ID 412
Event type Other
Track Games | Social
Language used for presentation English

Inflatable Community Gathering

Interested in inflatable pool toys, balloons and such? Just bring your
toys, share your experience with others and meet other furs with the
same interest! If you have a pump, take it with you.

Are you an inflatable furry, collector of inflatable toys or curious about our inflatable world? Have you always wanted to meet and talk in person with members of the inflatable furry community but had no idea who was who, or where to start?

Then this is the event for you! Bring some yourself, some toys, an air pump and make some new friends that share your interests.

Please note that this is a friendly gathering, open to everyone and is PG-13 rated. Remember to treat others toys with respect and ask their owners for permission before touching them; some of these toys are unique and impossible to replace. Please leave all of your sharp objects in your room; we take the safety of all our attending toys seriously!

Interested in taking pictures with/on an inflatable from someone else? In mostcases it's no problem, but please ask the owner first. That toys are really expensive and some of them are unique,so please ask first. Of course, fursuiters are welcome to join the fun!